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Health Insurance Service

    *Application for Health Insurance of the 6th Kind

    Application requirement:

    1. Veteran with no job

    2. Veteran with no job and no family member to attach

    1. First time join:    

    Citizen ID card, household registration book, personal seal (Effective date 1996/3/1) Exception: Release from army → Photocopy of Military Service Release Order Discharged from prison → Photocopy of proof of discharging from prison (The effective date is the date releasing from army or discharging from prison) Returning to Taiwan: -    Deleted household registration: Effective after 4 months of household registration -        Not deleted household registration: Effective from the date entering the country according to passport

    2. Transfer-in: 

    Citizen ID card, photocopy of household registration book, personal seal, health insurance IC card, transfer report

    3. Transfer-out:       

    Health insurance IC card, personal seal and citizen ID card Please provide the transfer certificate to avoid duplication

    4. Withdraw:  

    Death: Health insurance IC card, death certificate and personal seal of family member On military service: Health insurance IC card, photocopy of advice of military service and personal seal Imprison: Health insurance IC card, photocopy of imprison certificate and personal seal (Please note that the attached family member must withdraw at the same time)

    5. Stop (leaving the country):

    Health insurance IC card, citizen ID card and personal seal

    6. Recover (returning to the country):   

    Application of stopping the health insurance wit passport, citizen ID card and personal seal

    Office:     Civil Affairs Section

    Contact telephone:  (07) 8158197
